Saturday, June 8, 2013

Set Your Intentions

What are your intentions for the next 3 to 5 year period?
Ask your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team’s Higher Selves to ponder what you wish to create for yourself during the next 3-5 year cycle. As we enter our current new energetic terrain, we have the capacity to imprint a blueprint. Pattern your next 3-5 year cycle at the level of your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, your Team’s Higher Selves, your animal totems, and your guides that serve from love and light. Set your intentions clearly, especially those having to do with love, connection, support, vitality. 
If you have a hard time manifesting it may be because you are not in alignment with your true manifesting self. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, your Team and your spiritual advisers to help you determine your manifesting mechanism. Ask for a collaboration of intentions, for your team to come into mastery, and for all intentions to be aligned between you, your Body Deva and your Team. 
The wise aspects of you, your body and your team are inspired to create your template. You intend it and choose it, and activate the highest vibrational aspect of you. Then take a deep breath, and allow for balancing, cleaning and clearing. 

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