Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Accelerated Time Pulse

We are in a bit of an accelerated time pulse. Because we are beings who express ourselves in multiple realms, it is beneficial to get all aspects of our divine timing and flow --- the stream of receiving and giving and where we are connected and supported --- linked into our highest potential grid. To do this, invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team’s Higher Selves to work with the fields and guides to energetically locate the time current in the higher dimensions where it is out of balance. 

We have been in such a huge expansion/acceleration that in different dimensions the timing is not harmonized. We experience time differently in every dimension. Invite your Higher Self to harmonize the time pulse in every dimension you are expressing in on this planet. Let go; do nothing with the mind in the physical realm. Make the request to adjust and harmonize every time pulse for vitality, potential, happiness, and highest vibrational grids. 

There is a great fatigue held between dimensions where the timing component was used as a protection mechanism. This will be released as the time pulse is harmonized, calibrated and coordinated through every dimension. Reflect that harmonized time pulse into the physical dimension. This timing issue has been wreaking havoc in the heart, causing anxiety and chest tightness. Harmonize the time pulse in every dimension where it expresses itself, and balance the central nervous system with grace.

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