The adrenals and kidneys have
been working hard to support us. Lately the emotion of mass consciousness has been fear. Instead of fear, use TRUST as the emotion. There is fear surrounding change, which creates an adrenal response. Invite
your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team to locate the vibrational
change reality. In some dimension your soul's essence is
serving in a powerful way. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher
Self and your Team to locate that dimensional vibrational realm and to align
and calibrate to that change…only that change, only that reality for yourself.
Let go of other possibilities.
Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and
your Team to work with the fields and guides to locate the dimensional realms to which you
are connected that don’t create your greatest happiness. Let them go.
Toss the maps of where you don’t want to go. As
you let go of the maps you don’t want to manifest we invite you to locate what
you DO want to manifest in the higher realms, and put all your
will and focus into those vibrations. Align yourself with that consciousness: those
contracts, the healthy relationships, the flow, abundance, health, vitality. Align to the same dimensional reality that
supports your greatest happiness. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self
and your Team to align the 3rd and 2nd chakra to that
higher dimensional reality. Release the fight
or flight of mass consciousness off all levels of your being.
You are on earth; you might as well go for it! Go as high as you can go. The Ascended Masters are modeling right energy to you. Information is coming up through your Divine Line. Work with the fields and guides to locate the highest happiness vibrational template and receive that energetic information from the heart of earth through your base chakra and through the Divine Line. Hold that knowing in your heart. Then update and balance all reference points and all ways in which you perceive and are perceived. Breathe in deeply to integrate. Let it be so.
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