Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Control Protocol

We often have a desire to control our outer world. You might be feeling tension in the neck and shoulders, and a little bit in the digestive system and the third chakra, which indicates that we are holding our control in an imbalanced way. This is normal. We have the desire to control the outer world to create greater safety, but that mechanism doesn’t serve us now. Control is a particular vibration, and it’s very powerful and supportive if held in the appropriate location. If it’s not in the appropriate location, it creates frustration, anxiety, blockages. The body gets into patterns of holding external control (the future, the past, other people, events) as a way to create safety for itself. Being controlling indicates that in previous incarnations we were not safe, and there are situations of past trauma that are not yet healed.

To address this, invite the Body Deva’s Higher Self to work with its energetic fields and guides to locate all moments in all incarnations - including this one - when it was in an environment where it did not feel like it had control over itself and over its safety. Invite the Body Deva’s Higher Self to recognize that in those moments it was attempting to master divine self-control. Activate the lesson of feeling the control in the divine line running through the spine, bringing in healing holograms and healing sounds. We invite the Body Deva’s Higher Self to release traumas and activate those energetic lessons from all incarnations in the physical human form.

The Body Deva’s Higher Self can go back in time and re-patterning every moment when it was out of control, then use those moments to move into a vibration of divine self-control. It can lift all control back to the level of its Higher Self. Invite it to clean and clear and repair all crystalline structures, all control grids, and align for internal vertical frequency. 

Take a deep breath and enjoy being in the flow.

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