Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to Find Your Soul's Passion

How can we find our soul's passion?

Start by holding more internal awareness. Request that your Higher Self, in another realm where we are serving your greatest passion and greatest mastery and in the most limitless way, appreciate and locate that place in some dimension. Then, reflect that vibration down to us in the physical world. 

There are definite steps: start with the soul’s passion and vibration, then move down to mastery, then step down to purpose. Next step down to service, and finally down to right livelihood. Always start by activating the soul’s passion --- there is no need for the physical mind to know what it is. Start with locating the soul’s passion on an energetic level and that vibration will eventually be reflected down to your work in the physical realm.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Staying Present and Accessing Higher Vibrations

What is the greatest barrier to seeing through veils and accessing other dimensions?

If we are using our time thinking about future or past, we are not in the present. If we are worried about what other people are thinking, we are not in the present. The fastest way to see through the veils and access other dimensions is to get really present. Use the inhale to pull all of your future awareness into the present breath of now, and use the exhale to pull all the awareness from the past and bring it back in a whole and healed state. Release any trauma, release the anxiety. When you hold your awareness in your Divine Line, that tube of light, you can actually travel up your tube of light into higher realms and other dimensions. The moment we leave our tube, we start perceiving from a place of disconnection. If we stay in our tube we will never feel lost, afraid, disconnected, or fearful.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Find Your Highest Vibrational Happiness

The adrenals and kidneys have been working hard to support us. Lately the emotion of mass consciousness has been fear. Instead of fear, use TRUST as the emotion. There is fear surrounding change, which creates an adrenal response. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team to locate the vibrational change reality. In some dimension your soul's essence is serving in a powerful way. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team to locate that dimensional vibrational realm and to align and calibrate to that change…only that change, only that reality for yourself. Let go of other possibilities. 

Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team to work with the fields and guides to locate the dimensional realms to which you are connected that don’t create your greatest happiness. Let them go. Toss the maps of where you don’t want to go. As you let go of the maps you don’t want to manifest we invite you to locate what you DO want to manifest in the higher realms, and put all your will and focus into those vibrations. Align yourself with that consciousness: those contracts, the healthy relationships, the flow, abundance, health, vitality. Align to the same dimensional reality that supports your greatest happiness. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team to align the 3rd and 2nd chakra to that higher dimensional reality. Release the fight or flight of mass consciousness off all levels of your being.

You are on earth; you might as well go for it! Go as high as you can go. The Ascended Masters are modeling right energy to you. Information is coming up through your Divine Line. Work with the fields and guides to locate the highest happiness vibrational template and receive that energetic information from the heart of earth through your base chakra and through the Divine Line. Hold that knowing in your heart. Then update and balance all reference points and all ways in which you perceive and are perceived. Breathe in deeply to integrate. Let it be so.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The New Vibrational House

We have recently moved into a higher vibrational house. This new house holds a higher frequency and we are trying to ground and root into the new home, the new energetic terrain. Our default mode is to use anger, irritation and impatience, which are uncomfortable grounding mechanisms. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, and your Team’s Higher Selves to work with the fields and guides to locate this new terrain: a new home that we have literally moved into over last several months, year, two years. Take a moment to let that higher vibrational aspect of you locate the new terrain. It is different. It has different contours, frequencies, colors, lights, sounds, vibrations, and consciousness. It is much bigger. An expanded vibration.

The new primary grounding mechanism is the frequency of trust, of which we may or may not have. Trust in your divine connection. Some part of us does have that trust vibration that runs within us at all times. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, and your Team’s Higher Selves to work with the guides to locate the grounding trust grid that you hold in some time/space continuum in the spiral energy. Let some part of you locate that trust vibration. Let your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, and your Team’s Higher Selves locate it. As you locate your trust grids, ask for harmonization in the heart, the timing components, and balance of your electrical/magnetic frequencies. Infuse trust frequencies into the mercabic disk. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, and your Team’s Higher Selves to locate any anger, frustration, and impatience you were using to ground into a higher terrain. Gently release these old mechanisms. They don’t work in the new house. Let go of frustration/anger/impatience and use the trust grids instead. Ask your spiritual advisors to surround and help you let go of the old mechanisms. Update all reference points and all ways in which you perceive. Let it be so. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Manifesting in the Physical Dimension

Our physical human form, or Body Deva, knows how to manifest in the physical dimension. It has that mastery. Invite the Body Deva at the level of your Higher Self to work with the fields and guides to locate its very own unique consciousness that is part of earth/nature consciousness. A human is a combination of soul and human form. Locate its part in the nature/Gaia kingdom. Hold space so that some part of the Body Deva can work in the higher realms to locate its own unique consciousness. As it locates its consciousness, find support grids in the physical human realm. Invite the Body Deva to locate its divine line running through the spinal cord. Feel empathically the body do this work in the higher realms and reflect it down to this realm.

Next, invite the Body Deva’s Higher Self to work with the fields and guides to locate all the support grids that do not work for it, that are not its own, and gently release the support grids that are not working, not creating safety. Release these grids. Invite your Body Deva to locate its own support grids held in the consciousness of empowerment, self-awareness, and a thriving free state. Use those support grids. Invite Gaia to work with your Body Deva’s Higher Self to locate the empowered support grids and send them to your Body Deva. The Body Deva must use its own unique grids and tapestries. This will impact health, finances, resources, intimate relationships, and any other resources in the physical realm. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Shed Old Ways of Being

In the higher realms right now we are shedding old ways of being, old protection mechanisms, old dreams. This is an interesting dynamic through end of August 2013, and we have to take a moment to leap. Most of our reference grids for support in the physical realm are planted on money, relationships, body, cars, etc. This can feel like empty energy; like we're creating empty energy.

I invite you to ask your Higher Self, your Body Deva's Higher Self and your Team's Higher Selves to work with the fields and guides to locate all reference points for support placed in the physical realm. Locate those reference points and then lift those reference points off the physical realm and into the higher dimensional realm, where we can receive infinite support. Lift all the nuggets of support off the physical body, especially the low back. The body will not support you to the degree in which you are able to be supported. The higher realm will support you. Use toning to help find this new grid and then clean, clear and calibrate it. Update all reference points and all ways in which you perceive and are perceived. Aho.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

How to Best Utilize Dream Time

During dream time we access energetic grids in the higher vibrational realm. Use your dream time to access frequencies that bring you into higher states of consciousness, and higher degrees of abundance, health, balance, vitality. The dreamer in you is busy working to activate particular frequencies in the dream grid, which impacts you positively during the day. When you fall asleep, ask, intend, and request that the energetic aspect of you in the higher realms infuse frequencies into the energetic grids that support you in dreamland world, which will then reflect and support you to a greater degree throughout the day. We are multi-tasking: sleeping as well as engaging the part of us that can do amazing, powerful work. That part will embed new grids into chakra centers during dream time. Be more conscious in dream time. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Prepare for the Journey with Courage

Courage is interesting energy. It can take a long time to acquire it, and it can be a painful process. So how do we attain courage without intense suffering? We can substitute courage for trust. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team’s Higher Selves to work with the fields and guides in an appropriate time/space continuum. Spend 1,000 years to prepare for this incarnation. Use the time spiral continuum. Set up every grid, every relationship, dynamic, and scenario. Learn lessons from grace, ease, and awareness. Prepare every detail in the spiritual realm. Over-prepare!

Make multiple options that support your greatest health and happiness. Release all limitations, blocks, and negative karma. More preparation infuses greater ease. Ask the spiritual advisors to send preparation information to you. There is a re-patterning of grids as some part of you prepares for a conscious journey. Every breath is supported and there is a deep wisdom happening behind the scenes. Lay down lamps for yourself. Put magic miracles on your path, just in case. Then recalibrate it for even more gentleness, and update karma and relationships to reflect this shift. Take a deep breath in.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ease the Struggle

Mass consciousness feels that life is a struggle. We are wanting greater strength, and we feel that struggling makes us stronger and connects to what is real. We are using resistance to push against the struggle. 

What is your struggle? Weight? Sugar? Exercise, wine, relationships? Find your struggle piece. Ask yourself the question, how is this piece serving me? Is it making you stronger? Humbling you? Moving you into appreciation? Forcing you to connect more deeply with self? As the mind locates your struggle, invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your Team’s Higher Selves to work with the fields of whatever piece is your struggle. Locate the root of the struggle. The mind doesn’t need to know. Let the Higher Self locate that limiting anchor, the biggest struggle piece. Gently release that outer vibration - body, relationship, finances, parents - from helping you access the root piece. Lift off the external struggle and hold responsibility for accessing that vibration at the level of your Higher Self. Invite the Body Deva to do the same. Hold personal responsibility and release the struggle. Ask for a sacred healing hologram to be placed around you, your Body Deva and your Team to acquire the vibration at the level of the Higher Self so you don’t have to use external struggle to get it. Work at it in a higher realm, where it can shift. 

This is such a huge piece! The Higher Self has the capacity to activate vibrations when we ask it to, and to release the old mechanisms. Aho.