Friday, September 20, 2013

The New Vibrational House

We have recently moved into a higher vibrational house. This new house holds a higher frequency and we are trying to ground and root into the new home, the new energetic terrain. Our default mode is to use anger, irritation and impatience, which are uncomfortable grounding mechanisms. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, and your Team’s Higher Selves to work with the fields and guides to locate this new terrain: a new home that we have literally moved into over last several months, year, two years. Take a moment to let that higher vibrational aspect of you locate the new terrain. It is different. It has different contours, frequencies, colors, lights, sounds, vibrations, and consciousness. It is much bigger. An expanded vibration.

The new primary grounding mechanism is the frequency of trust, of which we may or may not have. Trust in your divine connection. Some part of us does have that trust vibration that runs within us at all times. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, and your Team’s Higher Selves to work with the guides to locate the grounding trust grid that you hold in some time/space continuum in the spiral energy. Let some part of you locate that trust vibration. Let your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, and your Team’s Higher Selves locate it. As you locate your trust grids, ask for harmonization in the heart, the timing components, and balance of your electrical/magnetic frequencies. Infuse trust frequencies into the mercabic disk. Invite your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self, and your Team’s Higher Selves to locate any anger, frustration, and impatience you were using to ground into a higher terrain. Gently release these old mechanisms. They don’t work in the new house. Let go of frustration/anger/impatience and use the trust grids instead. Ask your spiritual advisors to surround and help you let go of the old mechanisms. Update all reference points and all ways in which you perceive. Let it be so. 

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