Wednesday, September 26, 2012

When We Are In Our Heart

When we stay in our heart we stay in love.
When we stay in our heart we stay away from fear. 
When we stay in our heart we stand in our power.
When we stay in our heart we feel that in every moment we are guided by the divine love, the divine will, the divine sound, and the divine expression of our essence that resides in the higher source. 
When our team stays in their hearts they are more available to themselves, to us, to the task at hand, and to the soul purpose.
When we stay in our heart we stayed focused, and motivated.
When we stay in our heart we understand that there is a reason for everything.
When we stay in our heart we have the capacity to learn our spiritual lessons from a place of connection, from a place of consciousness.

We call you and your team to gather in this sacred space and place yourselves in chambers of light.
We ask for an opening in the energy fields of your heart and theirs.
We ask for your higher selves that reside in the heart of source to relay to you and your team, grids, templates, and reference points of light that allow you to receive in the physical dimension and all other appropriate dimensions, your divine heart, and your divine connection from that place where you reside in the heart of source to you here.
Imagine a line of light that extends from your heart in the heart of source down to you and your teams hearts.
Activate all grids that support these vibrations to now activate around you and your team.
We ask for an opening in the energy fields of you and your teams heart cords that link you to the heart of source.
We ask for the activation of all appropriate symbols holding unconditional self love to now be activated. 
We ask you and your team to move into the resonance field of unconditional love for yourself, downloading all shapes grids, templates, and reference points supporting these vibrations of moving into the divine flow of your own unconditional love for yourselves.  We ask that you bring these vibrations all the way to your core, and sending them all the way down the grounding cord in the heart of earth and the places of origin, so that you may serve each other from a place of connection, wholeness, and love. 
We ask your team to release all blocks and all inappropriate reference points that prevent them from moving into that place of unconditional self love.  We ask them to step into alignment of the divine flow and receive the fullness of their heart in the heart of source, in all dimensions where they express themselves where they serve.
As they move into this resonance field of unconditional love for themselves they overflow with these vibrations. 
As this love overflows from them it flows into you.
As this love overflows from them it releases all vibrations, cords, and belief systems, that is not of their divine essence off of their memory cell matrix.
We ask for your team to be placed in chambers of light assisting them in holding these reference points, these grids, this flow of unconditional self love for themselves.
As they have mastered these vibrations of unconditional love for themselves, we ask them to relay these vibrations to your energy bodies, activating the appropriate symbols, grids, and templates, in your DNA that assist and allow you to be in the resonance field of unconditional self love. 
We ask you to look deeply into your heart.  In your heart there is a key, a symbol of light.  Bring that symbol into the center of your chest, behind your chest bone.  Imagine holding this symbol in your hands in the center of your chest.  For just a moment send this symbol love.  When this symbol has received enough love it opens like a flower, activating within you the sacred geometric grids that link you into the one heart, the one mind of the divine.

When we are in our heart we are connected to our higher selves.
When we are in our heart we are connected to all of those we have ever loved.
When we are connected we are home.
When we are connected we are not alone.
Feel your team around you.
Feel your heart in theirs, and their heart in yours.
Ask that they stand around you in a circle, holding you and themselves in a place of unconditional love.
From that place breathe.
From that place speak.
From that place love.
From that place be.

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